Moving your company's database to the Internet as read-only web pages is a proven method of improving productivity.
Suppose you have a series of reports, that you like to look at every day. These might be sales, orders, costs and other financial or production information. Many managers still get these as printed reports every day. Why? We tend to believe that many are frightened that by accessing the company's databases directly, they may make inadvertant changes. Those in charge of the accounts fear this too and resist general access to the computer system. And especially by managers! But whereas ten years ago, few managers had any idea of how to use a computer, even the least computer knowledgeable can at least use a browser to surf the Internet. If he or she can't then why did you employ them? We have recently used some of our tools to create a web page-based version of a company's database. Benefits were substantial and in some ways surprising :-
Contact us is you want to know more.