Daisy AnalysisEditing Browser - Features

All of the features of the Daisy Editing Browser are controlled from the toolbar, after you have first browsed to or entered the URL of the web site or page to be edited or processed.

Editing Browser Toolbar

Reading from the left, the buttons are :-

  • Picture Processing

    This captures, converts, crops, watermarks and uploads picture files to the web site. Pictures can be set to several different sizes at the same time, so that thumbnails and main pictures can be created together.

  • Upload Files

    Uploads files to the web site from the working or other directory. Masks can be used so that several files can be uploaded with one action.

  • Download Files

    Downloads files from a web site. Complete web sites can be downloaded if required.

  • Tools

    Various specialist tools for processing web pages and sites. Sites can be spidered, printed and viewed.

  • Manage Web Site

    Manage a web site using FTP.

  • Edit Web Pages

    Edit a web page, change title, headers, keywords and description. Multiple pages can also be edited and processed if required.

  • Properties Menu

    This menu configures the program.