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Daisy Analysis have many years expertise in the analysis of transaction logs from computer systems, telecommunications networks and manufacturing.
Daisy TMS was the first system developed and is used to process, profile and report on transactions in a telephone network, exchange or switch. The program can also print HTML-based bills for delivery to users of the telephone system.
Take a Look at Daisy TMS!
Analysis systems delivered by Daisy Analysis for transaction logs, are complete and fully integrated with the client's data and related systems :-
- Systems are a Windows 98/2000/NT/XP and Microsoft 2000 compliant set of programs.
- All programs can be run on virtually any modern PC; desktop or laptop, with a link to the client's data.
- Systems are typically based on an independent data warehouse, which can either be held locally or on the client's network.
- Systems are customised for each application and as they are template based, they can easily be adjusted for a particular client's needs.
- For some applications, such as Telecommunications, Money Laundering and Financial Management, Web Sites containing an up-to-date feed of information are included as part of the overall system.
- Support is always provided to the highest levels.
Daisy is always an inherent part of any delivered system, that usually performs the custom data mining of the data.
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